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im. Pawła Apostoła
Mission trips
Szkoła Misyjna
Mission trip - Gagauzia /Moldova/
(September 8-21, 2019)

We will go, like a year ago to the village Joltai - near Cadyr Lunga.  Our friends already waiting for us there.

Gagauzia - it is one of the nations, which lately declared, he would like to join the Russian Federation. In connection with the unrest and the war in Ukraine, please pray that God will give us wisdom in planning this trip, safety and financial security. And that God would want to use us in this one of the poorest regions in Europe.
Szkoła Misyjna im. Pawła Apostoła
Mission trip - Gagauzia /Moldova/ (2014, September 13-28)
Mission trip - Gagauzia /Moldova/
2015, August 15-30
Mission trip - Gagauzia /Moldova/
2016, August 28 - September 10
Mission trip - Gagauzia 2017
September 08 - 23
Mission trip - Gagauzia 2018
September 09 - 22
Mission trip - Gagauzia 2019
September 08 - 21